By providing home safety assessments, making home modification recommendations, and assisting individuals in implementing safe living strategies, HomeSafe Solutions is there to help individuals live life to the fullest.
The Certified Aging in Place Specialist(CAPS) designation is earned jointly through AARP and the National Association of Home Builders. We are experts at conducting comprehensive reviews of your home environment to identify potential areas of concern from a function, safety, and livability perspective. Once the home has been assessed, HomeSafe Solutions will work with those who live in the home to determine which modifications are right for you. Our specialists take the time to walk you through the recommendations so you can make an educated decision when it comes to modifying your home.
HomeSafe Solutions uses the principles of visibility and universal design to make your home safe and functional for everyone that uses the space. A house is visitable when it meets 3 basic requirements: a zero-step entrance, doors with 32″-34″ of clear passage space, and one accessible bathroom on the main floor.
Also known as ADLs, these tasks include all of the things involved in self-care that a person does throughout the day. Examples of ADLs include bathing, dressing, toileting, brushing and flossing teeth, and eating. HomeSafe Solutions works to improve the quality and independence of these daily living activities by using the principles of occupational therapy to recommend adaptive equipment, teaching modified techniques to complete tasks with less effort, and assist individuals and their caregivers by teaching strategies to complete daily living tasks safely and efficiently.
Also known as IADLs, these are a more complex sets of skills we need in order to live independently. These skills include, but are not limited to, cooking, cleaning, using the telephone, shopping, preparing meals, housekeeping, attending medical appointments, and leisure activities. HomeSafe Solutions understands many tasks we once performed without thought and little effort can become difficult as we age. Our mission is to assist the individual, caregiver, or loved one by providing tools and resources to make these instrumental daily activities easier for daily living.
Victoria (Hogan) Silva has been passionate about caregiving throughout her life. In 2002, Victoria co-wrote the below qualitative research study that explored the changes experienced by in-home caregivers of individuals with Alzheimer’s disease to fulfill her master’s level training in occupational therapy. Physical and Occupational Therapy in Geriatrics, Volume 22, 2004